PengShang Metal Materials Co., Ltd

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Petroleum refers to a mixture of hydrocarbons in gaseous, liquid, and solid states, with natural properties. Oil can be divided into forms such as crude oil, natural gas, natural gas and liquid, and natural tar, but it is still customary to use "oil" as the definition of "crude oil".

Oil is a viscous, dark brown liquid known as the "blood of industry". There are oil reserves in some areas of the upper crust. The main components are mixtures of various alkanes, cycloalkanes, and aromatic hydrocarbons. It is one of the main objects of geological exploration.

There are two theories on the oil formation mechanism of petroleum: biological sedimentation oil transformation and petrochemical oil transformation. The former is widely accepted, believing that petroleum was formed by the long evolution of organisms in ancient oceans or lakes, belonging to biological sedimentation oil transformation and non renewable; The latter believes that oil is generated from carbon within the Earth's crust, unrelated to life, and renewable. Petroleum is mainly used as fuel and gasoline, and is also a raw material for many chemical industry products such as solutions, fertilizers, insecticides, and plastics.

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